How to grow lime beans (Phaselous limensis)? – Vegetables

It is good to know that slime beans develop best in a sunny place. Extremely cool or rainy weather can be detrimental to him as he is not as tough as green beans. Let’s see what else you need to know about growing lima beans!

How to Grow Lima Beans

A limabab (Phaselous limensis) cultivation

  • Plant type: Perennial
  • Scientific name: Phaselous limensis
  • Light requirement: She loves full sunlight

  • Soil type: Medium rich, well drained, deep, sandy fertile soil
  • PH value: 6.5-7.5
  • Water demand: Medium
  • Total developmental stage of the plant: 70-75 days
  • Common pests: bean weevil, owl butterfly
  • Well-known diseases: fungal and bacterial leaf diseases

Caring for lime beans

In spring, slime beans should be sown later than bush beans because they are not as resistant. Sowing long after the last frost is most ideal. However, it does not need to be sown as densely as bush beans.

It is not recommended to pick slime beans (or any beans) when the plant is wet or dewy. Frozen is best stored, although dried mucus beans can be used to make many meals.

Propagation and sowing of slime beans

Slime beans should only be sown when the risk of frost has completely disappeared and the soil has warmed to 18-24 ° C. It should be sprayed into nests 3 centimeters deep so that the seeds are 15 to 20 centimeters apart and the distance between the rows is 75 to 80 centimeters.

Care and cultivation of slime beans

Lima beans need a sunny, warm place as well as very well drained soil as it prefers dry soil and a long, warm growing period. Soil lima beans have similar needs to bush beans in terms of soil fertility and pH.

Harvesting lima beans

The slime beans should be removed when the pods are properly stuffed and the beans are still tender. It should be taken regularly for a steady return.